Mactan: Sutukil, Lapu-Lapu Shrine and Mactan Monument

Upon arrival at Cebu International  Airport, we immediately headed out to have lunch at Mactan Seafoods Restaurant with their popular sutukil and yummy seafood cook to perfection. With a plan to head out to the Lapu-lapu Monument and Mactan Shrine afterwards.

Sutukil: Fresh seafood by the seas of Mactan island

Mactan Sutukil Restaurant

When you’re in or anywhere near Lapu-Lapu City in Mactan Island, you have to try sutukil. Sutukil is a portmanteau of the three ways fish are cooked in eateries near the Mactan Shrine: Su is for sugba or grilled, tu is for tula or prepared into a soup and kil is for kilaw or turned into a raw fish salad.

Yummy Seafoods

Sutukil restaurants let you choose whatever you want cooked from stalls of fresh fish, prawns, crabs, seaweeds, shells, clams and even lobsters. These seafood are as fresh as seafood can be and the crabs and lobsters on display are still alive as you pick which ones you want cooked. Sutukil eateries get their daily supply of fresh seafood from fishers in nearby islets. Continue reading