Wholly Week Special: Weeds-day

Now that we’ve already established the beginning of man and reflected what it means to have our God given freedom, we’ll now delve into how we exercise this freedom in relation to how we judge others around us. We’ll be reflecting on our lives here on earth amidst the weeds that surrounds us, the weeds that could be your enemy, your friend, your lover, or you, yourself.

We’ll begin by reflecting on one of the most popular parables of today, the Parable of the Weeds.

The Parable of the Weeds

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Wholly Week Special: Choose-day

Yesterday we’ve begun our ‘Wholly’ Week Special with a post entitled ‘Man’day, just in time for starting our Holy Monday right.

Here, we’ve talked about the beginning of man (where the blog title ‘Man’day originated) and discussed how our characteristics are a reflection of God’s image as we are created like Him. All that we have, our talents and abilities, our senses and faculties, our strengths and weaknesses comes from Him, and it is just but proper to use these gifts for His greater glory.

Now that we’ve set the stage of the beginning of man, it is now time to proceed with the next element that man is in possession of, something that could either make or break our relationship with our Creator – our freedom. Continue reading

Wholly Week Special: ‘Man’day

Yesterday’s Passion Sunday, more popularly known as Palm Sunday, commemorated the beginning of week-long Filipino tradition of celebrating the Holy Week and Jesus’ final agonizing journey to the cross.

To live out our Lent fruitfully, I’ve created this Wholly Week Special series of posts. Why ‘wholly’? Because the daily posts that you’ll be reading starting today have an end goal of making you ‘whole’ once again by the end of the week.

Since it’s a Monday, and April has just started, I find it a perfect time to introduce to you my latest blog page – Pray. This post will mark the beginning of another category of my adventures. This is a new challenge for me as I’m new to writing spiritual posts, from my usual travel write-ups. But hopefully you’ll be with me, as He with us, and together we’ll trek this new path of adventure.

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